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Version: 2.0

Inventory Beta Pilot Program: User Guide


Thank you for your participation! Your contributions will be instrumental in shaping the direction of our product and enhancing its value for all salon owners. The Inventory Module offers the following benefits:

  • Replenish Inventory: Easily filter and sort your products by category and manufacturer to perform manual inventory stock takes based on product dispensed.
  • Calculate Intelligent Stock Levels: Vish provides customized minimum and maximum stock level order recommendations based on existing stock levels and order frequency.
  • Fill Your Cart with Confidence: Populate your cart with products and quantities that need to be reordered based on their current inventory status.
  • Simply Click and Order: Prepare and submit an inventory order directly to your SalonCentric cart through your dashboard.


  1. Before Beginning:

    • Create a SalonInteractive account at
    • Connect your SalonCentric account to your SalonInteractive account. An SC Account Number and zip code are required
  2. Log In: Access Vish’s beta testing website at using the same username and password as your dashboard login

  3. Open Integrations Tab: Find the Integrations tab on the left side of the screen

  4. Locate SalonInteractive in the list

  5. Click Add: Select the Add button next to SalonInteractive

  6. Complete Sign-In: Follow the prompts to sign in to your SalonInteractive account

  7. Select Location: If required, choose your location from the options provided

  8. Click OK: Confirm your selections

  9. Populate Inventory Table: The Inventory table will automatically populate with your data

Intelligent Stock Levels

The Minimum and Maximum Calculator is located at the top right of the screen, represented by a calculator icon. This tool calculates optimal stock levels based on past usage data, considering the highest usage week over the past 12 months. Future enhancements will incorporate seasonality and business growth.

Key Variables

  • Safety Stock: The minimum quantity you want to keep on the shelf at all times. Currently, the lowest setting is one week, as lead times for orders are not factored in yet.
  • Order Frequency: How often you plan to place orders.

Steps to Use the Calculator

  1. Open the Calculator: Click on the calculator icon. If the icon is pulsating, it indicates that the system has suggested changes
  2. Adjust Values: Drag the sliders to set your preferred levels for safety stock and order frequency
  3. View Advanced Changes: Check the Advanced Changes section for detailed information on the adjustments being made
  4. Apply Changes: Click "Apply" to implement the changes


The Current vs Suggested values are provided for your information:

  • Inventory Value: This represents the stock on your shelf as a range. The low value shows the cost of all products at the minimum stock level, while the high value reflects the cost at the maximum stock level.
  • Next Order Cost: This is the cost required to restock all products in your next order, based on the current vs. new numbers.
  • Ongoing Order Cost: This is the average order cost calculated from the average daily usage and wholesale price.

The advanced version will display detailed specifics of the recommended changes.

You can manually update the minimum and maximum values in the advanced settings or directly in the Product Table columns.

Products Table

Filtering Manufacturers

On the inventory page, you can filter manufacturers using the top search bar.

Product Table Columns

The product table includes several columns that can be shown or hidden. These columns are:

  • Category: The product line or category
  • Name: The product name
  • Wholesale: The wholesale price of an individual container (from SalonCentric - manufacturer standard wholesale price, MSWP) which does not account for the salon’s discounts or promotions
  • Retail: The retail price of an individual container, based on the mark-up in Vish
  • Container Size: The size of the container, provided by SalonCentric
  • Stock: This is a manual stock take, meaning the physical count. Once updated, the date and timestamp of the last manual update are shown, and the remaining stock is driven by this stock take. Without updating this value, the remaining stock is calculated, and the next order is simply a replenishment of what was used without any knowledge of the current stock on the shelf
  • Used Stock: The amount actually measured out in Vish, rounded up. For example, if 2.1 tubes were used, it rounds up to 3
  • Remaining Stock: Calculated as Stock Take - Used Stock + On Order amount
  • Wholesale Value: The wholesale value of all tubes on the shelf (remaining stock)
  • Retail Value: The retail value of all tubes on the shelf (remaining stock)
  • Min: The minimum calculated stock value, including safety stock
  • Max: The maximum calculated stock value
  • On Order: Containers included in an order that has not yet been received
  • Received: The number of items received in the last order and back on the shelf
  • Status:
    • In Stock: The value is greater than or equal to the max
    • Not Stocked: The min and max are zero, and stock is zero. The item is available at SalonCentric but not carried in the salon
    • Out of Stock: The min is populated, but there is zero remaining stock
    • Urgent Reorder: The stock is less than the min (safety stock), considering what’s already ordered but not yet delivered
    • Replenish: The stock plus what you ordered is greater than your min but less than your max

To Show/Hide Columns

  1. Press the three dots on any column
  2. Press Manage Columns
  3. Change the visibility by pressing on the title. Pink is show, black is hide
  4. Press outside the table to exit the column list

To Filter Columns

  • For text columns, type in what you want to see (i.e. Shades EQ)
  • For label columns, like Status, press the icon and turn off/on the desired labels. Image shown below.

Placing an Order

  1. Select Products:

    • Filter the Status to display only "Out of Stock," "Urgently Reorder," and "Replenish" products. This ensures only the necessary products appear in the table:
      • Out of Stock: There is zero on the shelf
      • Urgently Reorder: Less than the minimum value on the shelf
      • Replenish: The shelf has more than the minimum but less than the max
    • Once the table is filtered, select all products in the table
  2. Add to Cart: Press the "Add to Cart" button to populate the cart with the selected products. Vish will add enough products to the cart to reach the maximum value

  3. View Cart: Click on the shopping cart icon to view the order

  4. Prepare Order: Press "Prepare Order" to review the order details

  5. Review and Edit: This is the final review stage where you can add or edit the contents in the shopping cart

  6. Submit Order: Press "Submit Order" to finalize

  7. SalonCentric Cart: Your SalonCentric cart will open in a new window

    • Any changes made here will not be reflected in Vish
    • You can add any discounts or promotions through your SalonCentric representative at this point
    • Submit the order using the billing information on file with SalonCentric

Order Table

The order table includes several columns that you can choose to show or hide:

  • Created Date: The date the order was prepared
  • Item Count: The number of items in the order
  • Subtotal: The subtotal amount, excluding tax, shipping, and other add-ons
  • Supplier: Currently always SalonInteractive
  • Supplier Order ID: A Vish-generated number
  • Submitted: The date the order was submitted to SalonInteractive
  • Received: The date the status was manually changed from submitted to received
  • Status: The status of the order, which can be:
    • Prepared: Order is created but not submitted
    • Submitted: Order was submitted to SalonCentric through SalonInteractive. However, Vish cannot confirm if it was actually placed in the SalonCentric cart
    • Partially Received: Parts of the order were received
    • Received: The entire order was received

Filtering and Sorting

Similar to the Products table, the Order table can be filtered and sorted based on the columns.

Viewing Order Details

Clicking on a row will open the order details in the Order Summary.

Order Summary

The order details provide the details of the order: created, submitted (if applicable), received (if applicable), supplier, and a link to the Supplier Order.

Products provide a summary of the order. Actions include:

  • add products and quantities if order is not yet placed
  • change the products and quantities here if the order was changed after the order was submitted to SalonCentric but before it was finalized
  • partially receive the order by adding the quantity received in each product
  • export the order form if needed to download the order

Receiving an Order

This action is manual until we determine the best way to automate it.

Completely Receive an Order:

  1. Open the Order Table
  2. Press the three dots on the order that was received
  3. Press Receive
  4. The Order Summary opens
  5. Press Save Order
  6. The order status is updated to Received
  7. The products included in that order are added to the Remaining Stock values

Partially Receive an Order

  1. Open the Order Table
  2. Press the Order to open the Order Summary
  3. Change each product’s received quantity to what was physically received
  4. The Order Status changes to Partially Received
  5. The products that were received in the order are added to the Remaining Stock values
  6. When all products are received in the order, the status will automatically change to Received