Reinstalling Salon Data
Vish stores a local copy of data on each device so that it can operate without an Internet connection for short periods of time without interrupting your workflow. Under normal circumstances, Vish keeps this database up-to-date across all your devices, but from time to time there may be instances where you will need to manually download the database to fetch some data that can't be pushed to your devices automatically.
- Log into the Vish app
- Tap on the Settings tab
- Tap on the Diagnostics tab
- Scroll down and touch the pink Reinstall Salon Data button
- Vish will download your salon's database – this includes information like your manufacturers, products, clients and services to allow Vish to operate offline for short periods of time. This may take several minutes, depending on your database size and internet connection speed.
- When the download is complete, you'll see Download Complete message, then you can tap Done.

Connection and Scale Health
Effortlessly troubleshoot connection and scale health issues using the diagnostics tab in the Vish App.